Approximately 12 m of primary coated fibre is required and we can accommodate bare fibre as well as fibre mounted in SRM-style holders. NPL can provide fibre standards and also measure customer supplied samples across a range of single-mode fibre types. This is a key parameter for predicting properties such as splice loss, microbending loss, cut-off wavelength and waveguide dispersion. The mode field diameter is a measure of the radial intensity distribution of radiation propagating within a fibre. NPL can calibrate the mode field diameter (MFD) of single-mode optical fibres, both shifted and unshifted fibres. The standard calibration is at 1310 nm and 1550 nm (1618 nm available on request).

We measure chromatic dispersion according to the IEC reference test method based on the phase shift technique: Chromatic dispersion IEC 6 Phase shift technique – Method A. As the lengths and bit-rates of fibre-optic links increase, accurate knowledge of dispersion properties become more important in determining system performance. The variation of propagation time with wavelength is known as 'dispersion', or the 'dispersion coefficient', and it sets an intrinsic limit on the information carrying capacity of the fibre. Therefore, a pulse, which is made up of a range of wavelengths, broadens as it propagates down the fibre, which limits the minimum usable pulse length and spacing.

The time taken for radiation to propagate down a single-mode fibre depends on the wavelength of the radiation. NPL can calibrate the chromatic dispersion in single-mode optical fibres from 2 km to 50 km in length, wavelength range from 1260 nm to 1640 nm. We can measure samples of your own fibre or supply calibrated fibre (or reference fibre artefacts) to meet your specific requirements. We have a wide range of optical fibre calibration services, many with UKAS accreditation. A comprehensive suite of characterisation services